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Submitting Applications and Forms for Temporary Food Service

A temporary food service permit is required for outdoor food festivals, pancake breakfasts, and other events where food is served to the public on a temporary basis.

In order to obtain a permit, review the Temporary Food and/or Drink Service Establishments Brochure, complete the Application for Temporary Food Events and submit the application form and fee to the WCHD at least 7 days prior to the event.

Fees and Requirements for Temporary Food Service Permits

Fees and requirements for Temporary Food Service Permits are based on risk type. Your risk type and the corresponding fee are determined by the menu items and the amount of food preparation to be done on-site as set forth on the fee page of the Brochure.

All vendors applying to serve potentially hazardous foods that require extensive preparation and long-term cooking (pig roasts, smoked meat) must also submit a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan.

Event Coordinator Application

Those responsible for planning and coordinating a temporary food event must file an Event Coordinator Application with the WCHD containing details about the event and an event sketch showing the names and locations of vendors, the food booth set up, and the locations of facilities like restrooms, cooking and storage areas and solid waste disposal.