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IRIS Referral Network

The Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS) is a web-based tool to help organizations connect the families they serve to the right resources in their community.

About the IRIS Referral Network

All our kids early childhood network logoIn February 2020, the Will County All Our Kids Early Childhood Network launched an online referral system called Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS). There are currently more than ninety programs to refer to.

Previously, there was no way to track if a referral was acted upon. Most agencies were only able to give out resource guides or phone numbers and might never know if a client received the services they needed.

The IRIS system can track referrals to see how many referrals happen and how many were rejected. With IRIS, the agency gets an email to alert them that a referral has been made. Will County has established a standard to respond to a referral within three business days. This will also allow for the referring organization to receive notifications about their client’s referral process. The IRIS system is also HIPAA compliant.

In Will County, the IRIS system is also tracking zip code data to find out where the greatest need for services are located and what types of services are needed. To date, there have been over 2,000 referrals made through IRIS in just Will County alone. The IRIS system is being used across Illinois, Kansas, Utah, Missouri, Iowa and the Boston area.

How IRIS Works

Become a Partner

There is no cost to the agency that is receiving or making referrals. For more information or to join, contact Rebecca Anderson at

Learn More

To Learn more about the IRIS Referral Network, please visit