In the Summer of 2016, the Will County Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Collaborative announced the launch of its “Know Where To Go” campaign. This Will County Based initiative continues today and is designed to help residents find and utilize a Medical Home as an alternative to ER’s and Quick Care Clinics for medical non-emergencies.
The numbers to substantiate this campaign really tell the story:
Getting care from a medical home decreases the costs of your care on average by
$18,000,000,000 could be saved per year, if a medical home is used instead of ER for care
When you have a medical home, care is higher quality and more accessible**
102,424 adults in Will County do not have a medical home
For more on how much you can save by going to your medical home rather than the emergency room, go to
By definition, a medical home is a place where all of your health care is coordinated by a Primary Care Provider, including check-ups, shots, sick visits or any other medical needs. Your Primary Care Provider, which should be your first stop to wellness, can be a doctor’s office, community health center, clinic, or health department. A hospital emergency room or emergency department is not a medical home. The biggest advantage of finding and using a medical home is consistent care for residents and their families. An ER or Quick Care Clinic may not always be in touch with a family and their specific needs which may take them more time to research medical history. A medical home usually offers a more personalized experience which could mean a quicker diagnosis.