OTTO Telehealth Virtual Visits
Telehealth is available at the Will County Community Health Center for certain types of appointments.
Telehealth allows patients to communicate with their healthcare provider using technology face to face and/or by phone.
All you need is a phone or device with internet to continue your medical care while protecting yourself and your healthcare provider from COVID-19.
Speak with your doctor to determine whether Telehealth is appropriate for you.
Click here for OTTO Health Virtual Visit: Patient Guide
PLEASE NOTE: Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge do NOT support Virtual Appointments on any device. To learn more about supported browsers and devices, check out our Device and Connection Guide.
Device Compatibility
Have you checked your phone, computer, or tablet for Virtual Visit compatibility? We highly recommend doing so before your first visit to avoid any technical snags at the time of your visit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I see/hear myself or my provider?
Chances are your device or browser needs to be updated, or you need to adjust the privacy settings to allow applications such as a web browser access to your device’s camera and microphone.
Please try the test my visit link, review the Devices and Connections Guide at the bottom of the page, or contact your practice. If you are still experiencing issues reach out to the OTTO Health support team.
What type of connection do I need to have a Virtual Visit?
You will need either a strong, private Wi-Fi connection or a 4G LTE cellular connection. Remember, if you do not have strong internet or cellular connection, your video or audio quality may not be ideal.
What devices and browsers are supported for Virtual Visits?
OTTO Health is supported on Google Chrome, Safari, & Firefox browsers.
Click here for more information on browsers and devices.
How much does a Virtual Visit cost?
Virtual visits vary in cost. Please talk with your practice for additional information about visit costs.
Why can’t I join my visit early?
Your practice has allotted an amount of time before your scheduled visit in which you are able to complete your pre-visit requirements. If you are attempting to join a little early, don’t worry. Let’s run a quick test on your device to ensure you are ready to go. If your provider joins first, and you have completed your pre-visit requirements, you will be brought to the visit room to see your provider.
Who do I contact for support?
Please contact your practice for any scheduling, health care, or emergent needs.
Will County Community Health Center at 815-727-8670
For support using OTTO, please contact your practice or call our support line at (720) 510-2910.
Telehealth/Virtual Visits Patient Resource Links:
What is Telehealth/Patient Guide English
¿Qué es telesalud?/ Guía del paciente
Preparing for Your Telehealth Appointment Video