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As the swimming season continues for both indoor and outdoor pools, the Will County Health Department Environmental Health Division would like to pass along some simple tips about maintaining everyone’s health when we enter swimming pools.

First and foremost, swimming pool patrons must remember to stay out of the water if they have diarrhea.  It is of utmost importance to take young children on bathroom breaks, and to get out of the water if you have to use the restroom.

In addition, in order to keep germs away from the pool, children’s diapers should be changed in a bathroom or diaper changing area, and not poolside.  Diapers should also be checked frequently.

Patrons should also remember to shower before entering the pool, and to avoid swallowing water while swimming.  And most importantly, to avoid drowning, no one of any age should swim alone.

From the pool operators’ point of view, attention must be paid to the health and conditions of patrons as they arrive.  Swimming pool attendees should be aware of all persons having any contagious diseases, as well as colds and fever.  It is also important to watch for anyone under the influence of alcohol, or with excessive sunburn or abrasions.  The Illinois Department of Public Health and Will County Health Department recommends that residents with these conditions not be admitted.

All pools should immediately be cleared when lightning is present.  No one should reenter the pool until 15 minutes after the most recent lightning strike.

For more on rules concerning swimming facilities, please visit this Illinois Department of Public Health website: