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Applications available now through July 19th for up to $15,000

JOLIET, IL – The Will County Health Department (WCHD) have opened online applications to fund local Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to partner with the WCHD to conduct vaccination outreach and pop-up clinics to increase vaccination rates among African Americans, Hispanics and Rural communities.

“We have made great strides in vaccinating the people of Will County in the last five months,” said Sue Olenek, Executive Director of WCHD. “However, we still have certain populations who are resistant to receiving the vaccination and we are doubling down on our efforts to reach them, address their concerns and increase the COVID-19 vaccination rates through partnering with local trusted organizations.”

Organizations may apply between now and 5 PM on July 19th for ten separate awards between $1000.00 and $15,000.00 for their part in this effort.  The applicants’ plans need to include, but are not limited to, assisting with COVID-19 education, outreach, and access.

“As trusted leaders, local agencies and churches will help us to extend WCHD’s reach into the community,” said WCHD Health Equity Manager Vinita Voss.  “This is especially important for those who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The award amounts will be announced for the selected agencies on August 2nd, and the funding will be able to be used from August, 2021 through the end of January, 2022.

“When applicants apply for the funding awards on our website, they will be able to answer a series of questions about how the funding would be used,” Voss explained.  “A budget template is there as well.  We can look at what they plan to spend on digital and print communications, to staffing, to supplies, and even door-to-door outreach.”

Local  interested in participating can receive more information, and turn in their official applications, by going to

Those interested in applying  can also go to the WCHD website,, click on the COVID-19 heading at the top, and scroll down to the “Community Based Organization Funding” tab at the bottom.