Officials celebrate ribbon cutting at Will County Health Department in Monee Site to offer additional services to residents in Eastern Will County
MONEE – On Wednesday, August 7th, Will County Executive Larry Walsh joined Will County Board Speaker Denise Winfrey and Board Member Laurie Summers and Community Health Center CEO Mary Maragos at a ribbon cutting at the Will County Health Department location in Monee. United States Congressman Bill Foster was also attended the event.
“With overwhelming support from Eastern Will County communities, we are proud to offer these new services,” said Walsh. “Our health department is second to none and now our residents in the Eastern portion of our county will have the same benefits.”
The ribbon cutting celebrates the additional services now available at the Monee location, which opened in 2015. According to Maragos, the center will offer psychiatric and primary health services to all ages from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
“In a county as large as Will, it is critical that we bring our services to the residents whenever possible,” Maragos said. “This is a great partnership between the health department, which was already offering adult behavioral health counseling, environmental and family health services, to offer direct patient care.”
From left to right: Bringing Services to the Residents — Will County Community Health Center CEO Mary Maragos, County Board Speaker Denise Winfrey, Executive Assistant Mary Kilbride, County Executive Larry Walsh, Monee Mayor Jim Popp, and Congressman Bill Foster gathered on August. 7 to celebrate the expanded services at the Will County Health Center in Monee. This is the second satellite location for the Will County Health Department
Monee Mayor Jim Popp thanked Walsh and all the county officials for expanding services in this clinic.“Everyone deserves access to quality healthcare,” he said. “These services will make a difference to our residents.”
Maragos said there could be opportunity to add more services if other needs are identified or requested.“The Will County Community Health Center is dedicated to providing superior healthcare to residents in all parts of our county.”
The Monee location’s address is 5601 W. Monee-Manhattan Road. For more information about services here or for an appointment, call (815) 727-8670.