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WCHD to Offer Free COVID Vaccine Clinics


The Will County Health Department will hold three free COVID-19 vaccination clinics in the upcoming months. The clinics will be held on April 11th at Sacred Heat Church in Joliet and on April 20th and May 11th at River Walk Homes in Joliet.

Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Church is located at 337 S. Ottawa Street in Joliet (60436) and the vaccination clinic will take at the Church’s Family Table from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11th.

River Walk Homes
River Walk Homes is located at 316 Spring Street in Joliet (60435) and the vaccination clinic will take place at their Food Pantry from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 20th and Thursday, May 11th.

The free clinics are open to anyone ages six months and older. The new bivalent COVID booster will be available along with primary series of vaccinations from Pfizer and Novavax.

Attendees should bring their immunization record and children need to be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.

For more information, please contact the Will County Health Department’s Immunization Clinic at 815-740-8143.


Residents interested in getting a vaccine should register to reserve their spots at the following links:

Sacred Heart Church (April 11th)
River Walks Homes (April 20th & May 11th)