As we move into the vaccine era of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is very important to remember that full attention to testing as much as possible will remain important all the way to the finish line.
One way to make this happen would be more organizations participating in the BINAXNow program. These rapid COVID-19 tests, available through local health departments, are able to take some of the testing burden off all the entities already offering the PCR testing. This IDPH (Illinios Department of Public Health) states that “these tests may be a very useful diagnostic tool for testing persons in the early stages on infection.” The BINAXNow tests are recommended for anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, and who may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. The final result is more time saved, and more people being conveniently tested.
Any organization, such as a school district, private school, health clinic, congregate living or long term care facility, workplace, or other organizations with any level of a licensed healthcare professional on staff can participate in this program. These tests are provided at no cost to the organization, nor to the patient. Although those conducting the tests may charge for the delivery of it, they cannot charge above what insurance will cover.
By contacting the Will County Health Department, and signing up with the state for proper reporting of test results, your organization can obtain these tests, and have them administered by your licensehealthcare professional. The test is done by swabbing both nostrils to the point of first resistance, and results are available within 15 minutes. The healthcare professional administering the test needs required PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that includes a fit-tested N-95 respirator, a face shield, and gown and gloves.
The more organizations that sign up (27 are currently participating), the more BINAXNow rapid tests that Will County will continue to receive.
For more information, please e-mail the Will County Health Department at