Will County Health Department To Host Well-Woman Day On November 13
The Will County Health Department will host its third annual Well-Woman Day open to the public on Wednesday, November 13th.
The event will take place from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Joliet Chapter of the National Hookup of Black Women located at 1705 Richards Street in Joliet.
The Well-Woman Day will feature complimentary health screenings, educational resources, raffle prizes and giveaways. Insurance enrollment counselors from the Will County Community Health Center will also be on hand to help with open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace. Some of the health screenings being offered include blood pressure and glucose checks and other basic medical evaluations.
The Will County Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Collaborative will also be hosting a roundtable discussion on maternal health at the event. The discussion will focus on improving maternal health outcomes, the social determinants of health and common health disparities experienced by women.
The event marks the third consecutive fall that the Will County Health Department’s Well-Woman program has hosted a Well-Woman Day event.
The purpose of the Will County Health Department’s Well-Woman program is to increase knowledge and awareness of well-woman visits and resources available in the community to receive these services. A well-woman visit is a once-a-year check-up of your health, just for women, that is typically covered by your insurance. Illinois Medicaid covers many preventative services including your annual well-woman visit to your doctor. Funding for the Will County Health Department’s Well-Woman program is provided in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois Title V Program.
The event is a partnership between the Will County Health Department and other local agencies, including National Hookup of Black Women Joliet Chapter, Silver Cross Hospital, Oak Street Health, NAMI Will-Grundy, Catholic Charities Diocese of Joliet, Quest Diagnostics, Future Diagnostics Group, Blueprint Agency, Joliet Township Government, Trinity Services, VNA Health Care, Sam’s Club, Silver Oaks Behavioral Hospital, Guardian Angel Community Services, Holstein Human Capital Development, Aunt Martha’s Health & Wellness, Count the Kicks, Vituity Health Care, Prairie State Legal Services, Manage Your Spaces, Illinois State Representative Natalie Manley, U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood, and Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant.